Yesterday was my final day with the Lysdals, and it was a little sad but it's definitely not a goodbye. While I am missing them already, I will see them often and I will still play in the band with Søren and I'm sure I will spend a little time with Andreas before he goes to Australia in August.
Some photos from the final days with the Lysdals:
Aftensmad med Søren, mig, Andreas og Berrit
Spiller Lego med Lasse
Lasses fødseldag kage og Mormor:
BBQ med Freddie:
Rowing with Andreas:
På bilen:
En øl med Freddie:
Lasse and I at the cleanest lake in Denmark:
So now I am living with the Peidersens, a little closer to the train station in Ry. I have a lovely double bed and much of the house to myself due to the absence of my two oldest host siblings (Ida(17) is on exchange in Chile until July, and Leon(20) is visiting his old host families in Brazil). But I have two little sisters, Kira(11) and Rebecca(3) and they are very very sweet. It's quite a change coming from a house of four male children to suddenly having 2 sisters, but I'm enjoying it.
My new address is
Thorsvej 44
8680 Ry
I'm off to bed now, but my next update will come with photos of Norway (only 4 more days to go!) and probably I will have finished school, as I am free as of next Wednesday until mid-August. And then Eurotour!
With Love, Daniel
Danish signs will never cease to amuse me:
Short sleeves and BBQs! Good to see some thawing...grapevines leaves are turning brown here & the vintage is jsut about over...Norway & your new host family will be interesting! Love Dad
But what does badfartplan really mean??? It is nice to imagine you being able to enjoy the outdoors a little must be quite strange, like emerging after hibernation. Do things grow fast?
Getting cooler here in Melbourne, but the lovely stable Autumn days are very easy to adjust to. We're even getting a little rain.
I spent last weekend at the Children's Book Council Conference which was fantabulous! Lots of interesting sessions, heaps of free books and zillions of conversations with fellow book bods. Excellent. May have been a dinner and late night or two as well.
love Claire
It seems I have discovered how to comment at last!
Gosh it all sounds so brilliant, though I wouldnt last the cold. Today is twenty degrees and I am wearing uggboots,hoodie and trackpants - freeezzzing...!
That aside; what is on the table in the 4th image down in your last blog? additionally, your hair twin is remarkable, the liver paste - i suppose each nation ought be entitled to its own revolting spread, the skanderborg festival sounds brilliant, and I would be pronouncing it Rye or even ROIY like a true aussie bogan so kudos to you for figuring it out!!
Anyway, glad its going well!
+ i think the strange animal mascot thing in Germany looks like mole, or what I'd imagine a mole to look like in overalls and a cap.
Have a good one,
love Jacqui Fenwick :)
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