On the weekend, I caught the train to Arhus to meet a Brazilian exchange student and two American exchange students and we saw a couple of bands at a Student Union concert.
the cold walk there:
it was about 0 degrees, and blowing and windy so the walk there was not very nice. However, we made our own fun on the journey and had a good time. Gustavo, the Brazillian, James, the American and Hana, also American have all been in Denmark 6 months so they were telling me of the typical wisdom that is passed down from oldie to newbie. (ie. how to come home late without your host parents noticing, how to ask for money from rotary, how to avoid getting sent home etc etc).
Myself and Gu:
And some photos from the concert:
The concert hall had a cloakroom where everyone puts their big jackets that are neccessary outside. Many people there were quite drunk, and it was a great change seeing normally very shy Danish people who will look away if you walk past them in the main street suddenly turning into your best friends. "Oh, du taler Engelsk! I love speaking Engelsk!"
We got home quite late, but the next morning i got up at 8 am to go back into Arhus to meet some other exchange students. We shopped and wandered around the town and took it fairly slowly.
Enjoying a hot chocolate:
I arrived home at 7:30pm in Ry, and found that someone had stolen my bicycle! I searched thoroughly around the train station but it wasnt there at all. I rang home and they came to pick me up and we looked some more, but we couldnt find it! I went to bed dreading telling Rotary that I had lost their bicycle, but fortunatly for me my counsellor wasnt home and I didnt have to do it instantly.
On Sunday, I caught the train into Silkeborg to meet Tina and Mette-Marie, two friends from school. We went for an epic bike ride to the highest point in Denmark, Himmelbjerge, a whole 150metres up!
Mette and I eating lunch:
Tina, Mette and the view:
Tina enjoying a violet crumble that Dad sent over:
Hans Christian Andersen stone:
The bike ride:
While on this bike ride I was using Tina's brothers bike. But halfway up, i received a phone call from Freddie saying that he had found my bike! It was on the side of the road in Ry so it was very lucky! No damage at all. And no need to talk to Rotary!
The next two days, I have no school due to the class doing presentations. Tommorow i will go to Arhus with two exchange students for lunch, and then I'm not sure what I have planned for Thursday, but hopefully a sleep in!
There's now only 9 days til Paris! I can't wait! Thanks for the comments. I'm technologically incapable of replying to a comment, so I'll reply here. Paul, Introcamp was an alcohol-free event, as Rotary organised it. Fun was still had by all! Argentinian tea was quite the experience for those of us who dared it. And thanks for the news Claire, I'm jealous of the warmth! Which city will Edward be staying in in Germany? And never will Brazilians outdo Australians in having a good time. They did however beat us consistently in table soccer.
Love Daniel
Hi Daniel,
I'm not sure where Edward will be in Germany as we were the only two to arrive at the school for that meeting. It had, I learned as I arrived at the airport the next morning, been postponed. However, the note telling us so didn't quite make it home. Edward didn't get it. He may well be in Selm as I think that is the sister school to his.
I spent the weekend in Sydney (Woollahra) at a writing conference. I had a manuscript appraisal on my novel which was excellent. I now have some work to do to fix the not-quite bits, but not as much as I had feared. The program was well-paced and interspersed with plenty of 'networking' time. Dinner was interesting, the entree sparking a competition for 'stinky fish' stories among a group of writers not so keen on sardines!
Your weekend sounds busy, nice to have a couple of days off to recover. It must all be such an intense experience. I hope you are keeping some sort of journal so you will be able to look back later.
Glad to see the Violet Crumbles being put to good use...
Hey Dan!!!!!
WOW!! I hope you're having a great great time over in the land of Den.
Today Mr Thomas and our mentor group had a chocolate tasting - we had a LOT of chocolate. Mr T nearly threw up (but so did I!)
We're going to have a lot of bald people walking around school soon, the whole 1st 15s team is doing shave for a cure, and so are quite a few other guys and girls from our grade! I'm guessing you like your hair over in Denmark - looks toooo cold to be bald!!
Ashleigh and I are going to be going back to NLC this year - returning delegates!!! I'm so excited, I hope it all works out!
Sorry about your bike - I'm glad someone found it. I hope you've found a piano, I'd be going through withdrawalls without one!
Keep on having a fantastic time!!
May the Muf be with you!
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