The day came finally when Freddie was allowed to drive his old Fiat. Due to insurance reasons, he can't use the car in the winter, or when the temperature is too low. But we had a lovely weekend, and I went travelling to one of the surrounding "mountains" (which, in Denmark, is what they call a slightly large mound).
Me, wishing I was allowed to drive in Denmark:
and a chilly wind on a spot which may be the highest point in Denmark. It seems to depend upon where you live if you think this point or another point is the highest. But there was nonetheless a lovely view:
After this relaxing start to the week, on Wednesday we went on a day trip to Germany to purchase cheap alcohol, lollies and blank cds. We went to a city called Flemsburg and it took less time to travel here than it would to travel to Sydney from Newcastle. However, my mind is beginning to think this is a long trip. Denmark is such a small country! We went first to the supermarket, and then into the city to find lunch and to have a little look around. It seemed most of the people there were Danish people doing exactly as we were.
Myself with some kind of strange animal:
We returned on Wednesday afternoon from Germany, and then on Thursday morning we left for Freddie's brother's sommerhus in the northwest of Jylland to stay for a night. I think if the house was placed in a small beach village on the north coast of NSW it would fit right in.
A danish breakfast:
On a visit to the West coast:
Windfarms, which are everywhere you look in Denmark. 19% of Denmark's energy is produced by wind turbines:
Freezing on a walk:
Soren and I on a jetty:
The trip was a lovely holiday, and it was great to see some more of Denmark. Freddie's brother has a wife and they have a little son who was very funny to watch. Andreas didnt come, but it was a full household for the one night. Not quite a Tynan family reunion but great fun anyway.
Today was Saturday, and I woke up to snow!
And then today was Easter, and Lasse woke up to find the Easter Bilby had come and left easter eggs all around the garden! I got up really early to hide them all in the snow.
a bilby in a cold burrow:
and the collection:
Thanks so much Nana and Papa and mum for sending over a lot of Australian chocolates. I bought a little extra danish chocolate as well and that was what I used for the hunt.
Next week I'm back to school on Tuesday. There's a rotary camp from the 11th-13th of April with all 150 exchange students in Denmark and a couple of parties coming up.
Thanks for the news Claire, nice to hear from Melbourne! And Paul, its depends how much im into the music, but generally i'll be right down the front getting as close to the musicians as possible.
Happy Easter all!
Love Daniel